
Showing posts from January, 2020

9 Ways For Men to Improve Sexual Performance

purefiter Often we find ourselves feeling a certain emotion, then doing something to deny the existence of it. For example, someone said something to you the previous day that upset you. When you think about it today, you still feel the emotional sting of that event. Alternatively you may have experienced a traumatic event in your youth, for example mental, emotional or physical abuse, a life-changing accident or the breakdown of a close relationship. These examples leave mental and emotional scars. When we don't know how to deal with them, we may opt to try and deny their existence. We may push them down, try to ignore them or they may come out in other ways such as angry outbursts. When emotions such as sorrow, hurt, grief, anger and other lose a pound a day  strong emotions surface our instinct may be to push them away. However, the way to process them is to do the opposite. That means to allow them to come through and to be what they are. In other words you allow the